Thursday, November 1, 2007

Other Drawings

These are sketches I've done outside of class throughout the semester.

This is a plan for our shop renovation at home. I have notebooks filled with pictures of plans for our house and yard.

Zero Energy building in Chicago (from the Urbanland journal). And the chair is from a SAPA ad in the same journal.
Parti and Narrative for the Memory Project..
A quick sketch of Melia. I like the gestural quality. One of my first attempts at full face contour drawings. Sorry Liz!

I just liked the business of these sketches of magazine layouts.

I've been listening to Jackson Browne's tunes loving his lyrics for 35 years! Not a great drawing though!
A couple of more self-portraits I did after the project was over and I felt more playful about it all.
My hands.
Two of my gestural drawings from class.

Another plan--this time for a frameless support for a picture at home.

This is a still life of stuff on my studio desk. It was a warm-up assignment for 110.
Class doodles.
One of the Ching exercises.

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