Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ching Shading Exercises II 11.06.07

These are exercises from Ching Chapter 2. We were working with how to shade based on tonal values of light, reflected light, and shadow. I tried it out first with a candle and wooden spoon.
Not too bad for a first try. It was tricky to get the variations in tone in the big shadow under the objects. I have to learn to break it down into only 1 or 2 variations.

Here's the same still life using pen and random-style shading. It was easier to make subtle changes with this method.
Mapping study. I like the analytical approach of this technique.
Two showing texture. A part of a waffled yoga mat and a smooth flash drive. I kind of like the way the one on the bottom came out. Looks like two floppy buildings!

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