Sunday, September 16, 2007

Contour profiles 9.16.07

I enjoyed doing these so I did a couple of extra. The first one is from Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Had a lot of trouble with the mouth and chin--she looks like she swallowed a toad!
Below is a girl who was studying with a group of friends at Barnes and Noble. They left in a big swoosh--so I didn't get a lot of detail. But I think I "got" her nose really accurately.

This is from a photo of me, taken by my father, when I was 5 years old. Too bad you can't tell I'm wearing my red and black fringed cowgirl outfit!
This is my ever patient and supportive husband--who is a LOT cuter than this!

1 comment:

Ashley's Art said...

I think you did a great job on the one of your husband. I did my cousin and luckily he's patient too! I'm not very good with these profiles!:)