Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Container for a Memory 10.2.07

The Assignment
: Design and create a container for a memory. The container itself should evoke some essence of the memory, but not necessarily the specifics. Materials include: paper, matte board, plastic, cloth, and adhesives.

Early Iterations: I spent a great deal of time and effort on the inner, circular box. First, trying to figure out how to join the base to the side and then making the top fit snugly over the bottom. I figured out that if I built up the circular base with 5 layers of bristol paper so that the sides had a wide, glued surface to grab on to I could get a sturdy structure. As for the top--that was just trial and error in 1/32" increments. Because I spent so much time "perfecting" the circular box, I didn't work through problems with the triangular box as thoroughly. I used a template and was able to fold most edges, but the whole thing had a slight twist that I couldn't get rid of completely.

A few of my many circles.

Delilah checks out the quality of the paper stock.

An early triangle.

Final Iteration: I really like the design of this box, and it does a good job of representing my memory. I'm not so pleased with the craftsmanship. The circular box came out okay and I like the color and ribbon. The tissue paper top is fine, except the piece I cut has a bit of a :) face on it, which is distracting. But the triangle is torqued and not overly symmetrical. Drat!

Lessons Learned: Manage my time better so I don't get caught with one part of the project looking good and the other looking--well--less good. Sometimes it's the part I think is going to be easy that is, in fact, the most challenging.

1 comment:

troy said...

i never did see your final container ... this is very cool. i love the pattern that is created when the outer shell is open (as in your first photo). your round box is also very impressive ... i've been afraid to attempt anything round!

and your little helper is awfully cute, too!