Thursday, October 11, 2007

Composition IAR 110 10.11.07

Our assignment was to find a 2-page print layout that we liked and duplicate it using our own choice of graphics and text. Our pages focussed on, "What is Studio?". The image I found was in the October 2007 issue of The World of Interiors.
I like the simplicity of the layout and the equal weight given to text and the photo. (The shadowy stuff in the background is bleed through from the scanner. I tried blocking it with paper, but it came through anyway.)
So here's my version. I used their text as a template because I thought it was strong and gave me a good way to describe Studio. I used 4 photos to show different aspects of Studio, but arranged them in a rectangle that roughly imitates the original dimensions. I must have proofed this tiny bit of text (and made minor changes 20 times--yet...can you find the typo?!)

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