The Assignment: This was a very interesting project. The task was to fuse two objects that were randomly selected (the name above and the name below our own on the iar blog site). After choosing the two objects and the qualities/elements we wanted for emphasize, we made three objects. One was to draw from each object about half and half. Then using the first object and this "middle" object we made a second object. Finally using the middle object and the second person's object we created a third.
So it looks like:
Object Person 1 (OP1)
Mix 1 (OP1--half & half)
Middle (half OP1, half OP2)
Mix 2 (OP2-half&half)
Object Person 2( OP2)
It took a while just to decide which two objects to work from. I chose the Memory Boxes from both Sara Z's and Shannon Heggar. (I couldn't get images from their sites to copy so I only have the links. Sorry.) I chose to work with the colors from each: gray, black, and pink and the textures: the woven surface of Shannon's and the spikes of Sara's.
Ideas and Iterations: Here are all the ideas I had--in Studio, in my car (not moving!), at McDonald's, and in the middle of the night.
And here are my 3.
The first is mostly Sara's with a gray stripe added to introduce Shannon's. (I had a lot of trouble with the photos and they are not the quality I would like. Here , for example, you can't see the spikes inside the box. But they are there!)
So I went from a pink, black, and spiky object to a predominantly gray, soft one. And from an object with unexpected "danger" to one of soft, domestic, safe feel of basketweave.
Lessons Learned: If I worked on this more I would do the second basket again to spiff up the craftsmanship. By the last box I had a good methof worked out for this style of woven box. Even though the second box was really my 3rd or 4th try at it (see picture below), it wasn't until the last on that I think I got it. (I must have been daydreaming in kindergarten on the day we learned this technique!) I also felt a bit of a discontinuity because of the shape. Sara's was a cube, mine were rectangular, and Shannon's was a curvilinear triangle. It would be interesting to try to morph from cube to triangle.
If you don't like your photos, color them, filter them, and saturate them! Much better!
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